
Showing posts from August, 2021

Video KYC for Banks: A Revolutionary Step Towards the Future

  The pandemic brought home the reality that we need to embrace the digital, as the digital solutions have the power to deliver what we were denied during the new normal situation. The prolonged lockdown made our stay at home and without there being accessibility to the normal ways of life, things could have truly gotten complicated, had it not been for the video KYC. However, the timely introduction to the Video-based KYC identification solved so many issues for the banking sector as well as for the financial sector at large. The beneficial features of the video KYC process not only helped us out but, also upgraded the verification system. Things can completely change when you have access to such a powerful solution. It was no doubt a revolutionary solution. Video KYC for Banks: The Advantages are Hard to Ignore: The Video KYC , is completely paperless and that does make the verification process much more fuss-free and simple. To be frank, the submission of the documents and then pro