Video KYC Can Help Reduce Fraud

KYC or, know your customer is a process every financial institution is mandated by law to do. The significance of the process lies in the fact that on one hand, the institutions can learn about customers, on the other hand, it is a pre-emptive safeguard against potential threats namely financial frauds.

However, the process of KYC is burdensome and grueling at times. This problem could be solved with the application of Adaptive AI. It comes with dual benefits, first, the entire KYC process could be implemented by technology. Secondly, the technology observes customer behavior to learn, to detect a suspicious behavior when it sees one. Video KYC for Banks has truly revolutionized the KYC procedure.

In Video KYC, the process is automated and identities are verified securely, and thereby it easily detects frauds in real-time. This is done by combining a clear fraud decision-making framework along with robust data gathering and analysis. There are three different types of fraud checks that take place during the Video KYC procedure. These are as follows:

Document Tampering

Detecting and preventing fraud has become an efficient process thanks to the AI-based technology offered by Kwik.ID, the best Video KYC solution providers. Usually, when a person is submitting documents, the technology allows a face match comparing the selfie and photo on the document. It helps in detecting whether the person in the photo and the one submitting the documents is the same and thereby preventing identity theft. Another inbuilt feature helps to detect whether the government ID has been tampered with and a risk score is also generated during the process to decide the legitimacy of the documents.

Location Spoofing

To identify safe customers, location verification is important and Kwik.ID takes care of that by providing cutting-edge location intelligence. When the Video KYC process begins the live location of the customer is captured followed by an instant OCR of the POA document.

Security Questions

This is a significant step in the video KYC process where a security question is asked to the customer to find out whether this is a live video session or, something pre-recorded.

Kwik.ID is a comprehensive AI and data-driven decision-making platform that offers sophisticated Video KYC solution with all the necessary features. This is indeed a powerful Video KYC verification tool for the organizations to combat fraud.  You can learn more about this topic at


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