How to Function in the 'New World'?

Video KYC, Video KYC for banks and Video KYC India is growing with Kwik.ID

As we are almost at the end of the year, we have begun adjusting to the new world order imposed by the pandemic and which seems to be centering around social distancing. This is undoubtedly a challenging time that made the entire world go immobile for some time, but, when a challenge or, obstacle rears its head, you have to find a way to overcome that. The new reality is definitely challenging. but it only helped in motivating people to take the challenge to the next level. 

As the world suddenly had to come to a screeching halt, we realized that since the conventional way of functioning is no longer a viable option, the businesses took the alternative route and opted for digitization. Digital has definitely become a way to move forward and with Video based KYC identification being approved the RBI, banks and other financial institutes are being able to function and get the customers on board.


The procedure offered a timely solution in a situation that otherwise would have become stagnated. The consent-based procedure allows customers and banks to carry on the verification process in real-time without having to bother about any physical visit. The procedure not only could be completed virtually but the VCIP Digital KYC solutions also allow people from remote areas to get the procedure done, which is a feat earlier unachieved.

The reason was the physical distance, unavailability of a branch in many areas, but with this solution, that barrier is no longer there. Technology has always been there, but, only when darker times prevailed and took over, were we able to realize its true potential. The gap that took place due to the pandemic and threatened to widen further, was closed efficiently thanks to the Video KYC for Banks procedure getting an approval even before such a scenario became a reality. The institutes were quick to adapt and even came up with different schemes to help people out.

The world has gradually become digital and the future promises more. Technology is the tool we need to evolve smarter especially in the face of a challenge.

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