Tourism and Other Industries are Turning to Video-based Solutions


The pandemic is definitely causing big paradigm shifts across industries around the world, the situation has changed in such a big way as we all hurried to resort to digital solutions. Every industry had to struggle to fit into the new normal, the situation was most definitely complicated as the very survival of the industries was under threat, the hospitality industry especially was having a tough time, they had to shut the shop for longer months and there was no way they could have stayed afloat. As slowly things started getting back to normal the industry needs to find its unique digital solutions to stay functional. The video-based solutions including the video KYC verification will probably be accepted norms now. To understand its impact let’s take a deeper look at the situation.

Video-based solutions:

  • The auto-check-in would be a reality from now on as this is definitely a measure that the customers can enjoy and this would also enable the staff to maintain a safe distance. The implementation of this particular measure would ensure that the process is taking place without there being any risk of contamination on any side, the KYC solutions to are now being upgraded to the video version. This will certainly be a positive move on both sides, in the new normal situation this would be the appropriate move and it would assure the guests as well.
  • The video call and video conferencing would be the next move that the industry professionals could contemplate making. This would soon be regarded as the best alternative to human interaction, in fact, the video KYC process too would be a great alternative to the traditional measures. Where possible the guests can chat with the staff to convey their requirements or, issues that they want to clarify over a video call and this again will be a welcome move on both sides. The communication will take place in real-time, the interaction will be personal yet the physical proximity would not be there which means that both will stay safe from any contamination. With the video KYC verification, one can expect safer solutions as well.
  • The verification where it is mandatory could be done through the video KYC process. The banks and other institutes are already adopting this measure and the customers have the option to choose this procedure. This will enable them to get verified without any kind of long-waiting period. The verification takes place fast, and the customers could be onboarded real quick. This process is so effective, it takes place in real-time and the customers can be onboarded without having to visit any bank branch.
  • The video solutions including the video KYC verification are efficient, secure, and highly cost-effective. Furthermore, during pandemic situation could be ideal as it is absolutely possible to carry out different activities using this without risking contamination. The video KYC process will enable the industries to stay operational and the customers to access services following the strict rules imposed.
The video-based digital solutions are definitely worth paying attention to and in such situations, it is most definitely going to help us out. The implementation of the procedures, including the video KYC solutions need to be done on a bigger scale to make the right impact.


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